PLEASE JOIN US: February 9th, at 8 AM MT/9 AM CT for the 1Q23 update in STAR Roundtable series designed to assist small businesses navigate and benefit from doing business with the federal government and large federal contractors (often referred to as Primes)! Connect with panelists from a variety of large and small businesses currently successfully performing as both prime and subcontractors. Learn helpful tips to assist you in achieving your government contracting goals.
When: 8 AM MT/9 AM CT, the second month of each quarter on the second Thursday. (This is new cadence for 2023.) Please update your calendars.
Who: Representatives from Northrop Grumman Corporation, Small Business and Contracting, Bechtel, and others will showcase large federal contractors and small businesses currently doing business with either Northrop or subcontractors. Also joining the December Star will be the Director of Business Operations/Small Business Specialist FE Warren AFB.
Click here to register.