Thinking about starting your own business? Do you have more questions than answers? The Wyoming Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC) and the Campbell County Public Library can help.
Register now for this in-person “SYOB” Workshop, to be held February 22, 5:30 pm at the Campbell County Public Library Wyoming Room. The workshop is free of charge, but please go to to sign-up.
You will learn some of the pros and cons of owning a business and understand the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed.
Topics covered will include:
The workshop will be presented by Wyoming SBDC Network NE Regional Director P.J. Burns who holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wyoming and has over 20 years of business advising experience. Paula Kelting, Reference Manager from the Campbell County Public Library, will also present demonstrating the free business resources available to Library Card holders including the GALE Business Plan Builder and GALE Legal Forms database.
The workshop will be an interactive program, so bring your questions. The workshop is free-of-charge, but pre-registration is appreciated. Go to to sign up TODAY!
Click here to register for this no-cost workshop.
Presenter: PJ Burns – P.J. is a Wyoming native and is passionate about helping small business succeed. She has spent the majority of her career advising and advocating for small business in her roles at chambers of commerce and economic development organizations. She has a background in marketing, human resources, strategic planning, leadership, and management. She and her family enjoy the many outdoor recreational opportunities that living in this great state provides.